This is a team project. After studying the brand promotion strategy of CUBADUPA festival, we found that the current brand image of CUBADUPA does not fully conform to its true image. So we have redesigned the "DUPA" brand for the current situation.
Create brand specifications to unify the brand style.
Let the community participate in the video animation creation process. Print each frame of animation to the community for creation, and then scan and render. Give everyone a chance to show their "DUPA".
The "DUPA" style filter is released on the basis of social media distribution and promotion, to encourage young people to create "DUPA" videos and promote "DUPA" spontaneously.
Continuing the idea of crowdsourcing animation videos, posters and creation walls on the street will also be open to the community to create. Let everyone have more opportunities to show their creativity and establish a private link with the "DUPA" brand.
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